Support Us
Your financial support is both needed and very much appreciated for the work of the Church, and also to maintain the beautiful building. Thank you so much. In 2024 it cost £1180 a week to run St James the Great.
Regular donations
Regular donations are very helpful for our long-term planning. Setting up a regular donation (by direct debit), may be done via the Parish Giving Scheme. Simply telephone 0333 002 1271, quoting our Parish Reference Number: 270627289.
One-off donations
- Cash and cheques (made payable to ‘Stonesfield PCC’) may be brought to a church service or sent to Mr Keith Bellew, PCC Treasurer, Flat 5, Blenheim Heights, Woodstock Road, Witney OX28 1DY
- Bank transfer details are as follows:
Barclays Bank Witney
Account Name – Parochial Church Council of Stonesfield
Account Number – 30686921
Sort Code – 20-97-48
- Card payments: scan the QR code below to pay by card online:

Gift Aid
If you are a taxpayer, Gift Aid increases your donation by 25p for every £1 donated.
If using the Parish Giving Scheme, please mention Gift Aid when speaking to arrange your regular giving.
For other methods of giving, please complete the Gift Aid form here (one-off donation) or here (regular donation).
Completed forms may be brought to any church service, returned to or sent to Mr Keith Bellew, PCC Treasurer, Flat 5, Blenheim Heights, Woodstock Road, Witney OX28 1DY.
Leaving a financial gift in your Will to Stonesfield Parish Church can make a massive difference for future generations. We would be so grateful for your support. Any gift to the Church in your Will is exempt from any inheritance tax payable on your estate.
For information about leaving a legacy to Stonesfield Parish Church, please contact
The following website also provides much helpful information about church legacies: